
Saturday, May 29, 2010


Already, I've crossed several things off of my summer list.  

Summer sheets, check

Different nail polish, check. (And for the record, that's coral, which is technically not pink/red)

Back to Little Buffalo, so check.

I was off, again (don't worry, I'm working all weekend), so on a whim, I packed a bag and got gas and some water, and we took the 30 min drive to the park.  The very empty (!) park.  It was a foggy day, but I didn't care because it was cool enough to wear fleece, and that's a good day in my book.  We ran around, she weaved in between trees, and investigated the lake.

And, my dog? She does not go in the water. 

Exhibit A:

Last summer, while in Seattle, we took Lilly to the beach for the first time.  That look? It's the look of misery.

So, I was really shocked when I witnessed the following:

What can I say? The girl loves sticks.

So, that's about it for the day.  Can I just say that I woke up the worse way this morning? Woke up fine, but turned on the TV, and what comes on the screen, but the scariest movie, EVER.  ET.  Yes, ET.  And wouldn't you know it, that stupid controller froze and wouldn't change the channel.  Sigh.  I hope this day gets better.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hello day off

Okay, I'll admit it.  I've been off since last Friday.  I was going to teach CPR on Monday and take a shift on Tuesday, but had to cancel due to a Pittsburgh funeral.  Funerals are devastating, and yet beautiful at the same time.  And there's nothing more beautiful than attending the funeral of someone on the love of your life's side (and soon, your side), because it's an opportunity to support and hold a hand. So, that was our weekend. 

It seems like we're going to Pittsburgh about every three weeks now. 

But, anyways.  Hello day off. 

And can I just say, is there anything better than ending your day like I did last night?  A post-workout bubble bath, reading a magazine in the tub without a puppy licking your shoulder (although, that's pretty great too), ending it with a clean face, rubbing silky night moisturizer on your cheeks, then slipping on shorts and your love's favorite tshirt, and finally jumping into a bed full of cold sheets from the day and an ever-so-ready-to-sleep-for-the-seventh-time-today puppy?  I think not. 

Maybe it's as good as waking up earlier than expected, but being totally fine with that.  Realizing you have an opportunity to really take on the day.  So, it's 10:30, and I'm showered, fed, dog's been fed.  I'm ready to do whatever---even clean.  Even vacuum up the miles of black dog hair that occupy the basement.  I'm ready. 

Maybe I'll start crossing things off of my list. 

Watch out, Day

PS: Nobody can get their blog out there if their own mama doesn't know about it.  So, I'm taking the plunge and letting her in.  Now, I'll have two readers! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lilly photo shoot

Just to remind you that I have the cutest dog ever.

You're welcome.

Summer to-do

This may be the first time in my life that I've had a tan before Memorial Day.  I'm not a sun worshipper by any means, and I to glare as hard as I can at the 20-something blondes who lather on the oil and park it outside all day.  But, it's nice to have some of that glow (a very little bit), and be forced to buy "summer" make-up once a year.  It's especially nice to have that tan (the very little tan) after a hard day of labor outside, which is what I've earned after two days of heavy gardening. 

This gardening business is becoming addicting.  I find myself outside in 90 degree, HUMID weather, sweating like a you-know-what-in-church, dirt on everything, and just loving it.  Loving the smell of the dirt and sunscreen mixed together, loving that feeling of exertion and using muscles you haven't used in a while, and loving the progress and feeling of success that gardening brings. 

It's really not much right now, but it's a lot to me. I have heirlooms growing.  Heirlooms.  I'm anticipating juicy, ugly looking red and yellow tomatoes.  Not perfect, green house, Chile tomatoes.  No, those heirlooms and all of their bumpy, odd-looking goodness.  The type of tomato that looks like a reject when they're (rarely) in the grocery store, but when you slice them open, add some kosher salt, pepper, and fruity olive oil----they shine. 

Also growing: Cippolinni onions, broccoli, red and golden beets, peas, red and orange bell peppers, green beans, and so much basil, it's going to be scary at the end of the summer. 

Shortly after our freak snow storms in February, I started going all Martha Stewart-style and planned my garden.  My first veggie garden, besides the two times I went to Lowe's in the past and bought a whole two beefsteak tomato plants (and planted them in a terra-cota pot, and got 3 tomatoes out of them--TOTAL).  I bought about 30 different seeds from Johnny seeds, including veggies, herbs, and flowers.  I planted them in my basement, and crossed my fingers, because that's all I knew to do.  Those named above are what's remaining, including some measly chives, thyme (thyme grows no matter what), and some red-leaf lettuce. 

I'll plant the pumpkins and squash this week, because they'll take over your garden, so it didn't matter to start them indoors. 

Create an outdoor oasis

This is my first goal of the summer.  I'm off to a good start.  The patio furniture has been out.  I cleaned up the back yard, weeded like a mad-woman, and added a few things for the birds. 

Looks like we have some hoarders.

I want to finish this back yard soon, so we can spend many a splendid nights amidst the stars and next to a roaring fire. 

Run out of things to burn

I want to have so many campfires this summer that we have to stockpile for labor day.  I've been saving any bit of dried wood I've stumped upon in the backyard/valley.  No thanks to Lilly who's chomped on a many sticks that have been sitting in the firepit. 

I don't care if the summer is as humid as it was today.  I want more fires.  I want to build a fire like I did in my camp counselor days.  I want to sit next to my honey and possibly my puppy and sip wine and wear a long sleeve shirt like we have to do during the summer in Seattle. 

Oh, the pyro in me is aching.

Concert it up

This should be the summer of concerts.  This should be the summer when the summer song returns.  You know, that song that embraces the vibrancy, the youthfulness that summer brings.  We were suppose to go to a U2 concert (shhhh....don't read babe, I know it still hurts) in Seattle, at Quest field in June.  BUT, Bono had back surgery, and all of the N. American concerts were cancelled.  Sigh, sigh, sigh.  Nevertheless, I still believe in concerts this summer.  I'm thinkin Dave Matthews in July, maybe throw in an unexpected country song towards the end, hell, even find a County fair and see what's jammin.  We will get our music fix somehow. 


Rather than camp.  We were suppose to camp, but after that promise was made, I had to sit through a lecture on Lyme disease in nursing school, and I am not scared shitless.  Utterly.  There are ticks everywhere here, and I don't want them, and I especially don't want them on my dog.  So, instead of sitting in a tick mind, we'll go hiking instead.  We'll put on our hiking shoes, fill the backpack with granola bars and a treat for the top, load up our water bottles, and maybe get on of those cute-but-really-cruel doggy packs for Lilly.  We'll hike, and we'll dream of great camping trips in the future. In Seattle. 

Party like it's 2011

We are kicking off our wedding festivities with an exclusive, wedding party only event, in July.  We're having a intimate dinner at one of our favorite Hbg restaurants, followed by an after-party at our house.  In my back yard oasis, no less.  We sent the invites out last week, and almost everyone has confirmed at this point.  I can't wait.  I just can't wait. 

Super cute, eh?

Spend the summer in dangly earrings and faux pearls done.  They go very well with my (barely) tan.

And the rest of my goals:

Teach K's cousin Theresa about the best female vocals out there.  I recently introduced her to Ingrid Michaelson, and she's hooked.  She heard a KT Tunstall song and thought it was Ingrid, so I need to further teach her that Ingrid Michaelson>Brandi Carlisle>KT Tunstall>everything else. 

Take full advantage of Netflix, to the point where it's criminal

Complete our wedding blog.....oooh, pretty cool, huh?

Live it up in Seattle come June

Read 5 books

Find "the" summer song

Love the puppy like never before

(And the fiancee too)

Study something nursing related

Become a workout-aholic

Try and catch a firefly (before they become extinct)

Re-watch a season of LOST, to fill the void (I don't want to talk about it)

Rock a nail polish that isn't in the pink/red family

Grill corn

Become a morning runner

Buy new summer sheets

Sleep naked (this should be done every summer, right?)

Find a signature summer cocktail

Record all of my recipes down

Finish painting the basement

Have one of those classic summer moments where you're listening to great music, at dusk, in a car, with your hand out the window, thinking that life doesn't get any better

Create a photo portfolio

Go swimming

Take Lilly back to Little Buffalo

Enjoy my summer harvest

Pick Dahlias

Welcome Summer. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today was a good day

Today was a good day.  I worked, and that usually doesn't make a good day.  But, today at work, there was something extra special there. 

Baby ducks. 

Yes, baby ducks at a nursing home. 

This nursing home has a outdoor courtyard in the center of their building.  With huge windows and glass doors surrounding it.  And I guess recently, a mama duck flew into the center, laid some eggs, and yesterday were the first sightings of the ducklings. 

Nine baby ducks. 

They waddled all around the courtyard.  They swam in the little fishy pond near the dining room door.  They hopped in and out, and swam like this was their first time swimming (because it probably was!).  They swam like it was the best thing in the world, which it absolutely was. 

Nine, tiny baby ducks. 

They followed their mama all around, took a nap under her around 11:00, then emerged energetic and rested just in time to put on a baby duck dance show for all the residents. 

Nine, tiny, fuzzy baby ducks. 

Today was a good day because we had these little ducks.  Everyone could see them, everyone could coo and point to them, but that door was thick enough that the ducks wouldn't be startled. 

And the residents were happy today.  They had something to look forward to.  To love and to fuss over.  To talk about at lunch time. To be entertained by.  They smiled and they laughed, and they forgot about where they were for awhile. 

(Although, when I asked one little lady if she saw the ducklings, or wanted to, she said, "I was raised on a farm! I know what baby ducks look like."

It was a good day. 

But don't worry about the ducks!  They have already had all the toast, crackers, and cookies you could imagine.  Plus, they can eat what the courtyard provides.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Field

There is a large soccer field near our house, about a 5 minute walk away.  We don't visit it nearly enough.  We should go everyday, but instead find ourselves there about twice a week. 

But, when we go, we have a ball.

I attach Lilly to a 20 foot long yellow rope, and then she knows it's on.   

We like to run around that field.  We like to stalk birds and watch kids play soccer.  We like to explore the woods nearby the field and cover each inch with our feet. 

We like to throw frisbees and catch them a couple times, and then ignore the damn thing for the rest of the time, no matter how many great throws were made. 

We like to find sticks and then stop everything to lay half way on the ground (butt up in the air) and chew on the sticks, because we really haven't learned anything since our emergency surgery. 

We like to get spooked by soccer balls.  We like to watch the kids run around the field during their practices.  To run ourselves and then randomly chomp on an unsuspecting patch of clover, and shake the mouthful until we're sure it's really dead. 

We REALLY like how tired the field makes us afterwards, because then some of us can get stuff done.

Yes, we are very lucky to have the field.  To have a place to run and play and forget about our surroundings for awhile.

PS:  We really like to walk to the field on Mondays because it's trash night and there are so many interesting things to smell!

“Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really.”

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have been gardening like crazy lately.  That's my big news.  No school means more time for life, and right now, I want my life to revolve in the back yard.  So, I have to repair the back yard from neglect and crappy double snow storms, and dogs.  I've put in a couple hours each night and right now it's in that in-between stage where, yeah, it looks like I'm making some progress, but if you didn't know what it looked like before, probably not.  It's therapeautic, it's exercise.  It's frustrating with a dog who begs to go outside if you left her in, then whines incessantly if she stays longer than 5 minutes once out. 

I'm mostly pulling weeds right now.  Lilly isn't helping.  Well, I think she ate part of a weed, so that might count.  Or, maybe it was a weed that I already pulled. That doesn't count.  Maybe it was a bug, I don't remember. 

I have half of the yard done as of tonight.  I'll be transplanting the seedlings in a couple of days, as long as we don't get another thunderstorm like we did Friday. 

Work didn't happen today.  It was suppose to.  Oh, I woke up at 5:15 to get ready, on the road at 6:00, at the facility at 6:30.  All the while cursing the heavens for being up instead of in bed.  It doesn't matter once you get there.  Only, today it did, because when I got there, they looked at me funny and said I wasn't on the schedule.  I was with my agency, but not with the facility.  I guess they forgot to cancel me.  So, I was back in bed by 7:00.  Does that count as a nap?

Now that school is over, we can get into wedding mode.  Not crazy-like (yet), but controlled, dreamy wedding mode.  I've been working like a mad woman on our wedding website.  It's actually a wedding blog, through, you know, just to be unique and creative.  I like it, it's different from the cookie-cutter wedding websites, with the champagne flute or love-birds in the background. 

Part of our site includes info for out of town guests, which we'll have a lot since we're getting married in Seattle (woot!).   You know, the typical, where to stay, how to get around, what to do and eat kind of stuff.  It's fun, but it's almost like I have to sell my city.  Pike place fish throwing, yes.  Space Needle, yes.  I'm sneaking in some exclusive, this-is-what-Seattlites-like-to-do stuff in there too. 

People better read it though!  Seriously. 

I've been teaching with the Red Cross a lot lately.  Last week, I had my first babysitting class.  Imagine yourself in a room with 13 sixth grade girl scouts.  I taught them the Heimlich maneuver, and everytime I said "find the belly button" the class would explode with giggles.  All because I said belly button.  Incredible. 

Tonight K's working the evening shift, and I'm all by my lonesome.  So we kicked it old-school style and emailed back and forth.  We took turns asking questions like, "What do you think the morning of our wedding will be like?", "What will our first apartment be like" and "If you opened a restaurant, what would you serve and how would you decorate it?"  

My goodness, I love that man.

Oh yeah, we got engaged

Remember when we went to Pittsburgh in March, and I came back with a sparkly new ring and a broken camera?

Here are the pictures from that trip, before I dropped my Canon Powershot. 

It all started with a request:

Hey babe, you should make some CD's for the road.


Because, when you make an album (or three like I did), then it feels like a special event. It feels like a road trip! Notice I put them in sleeves too?  Extra special.  

So we jammed.  On every feel-good-song that I could find on my Zune account.  We laughed and we harmonized and it was good.   I was proud of my DJing, even though I simply went through my albums, clicked on "add" and then shuffled the order.  Still.   

Of course, a road trip (even if it's just to Pittsburg), needs some snacks, some drinks, some gimmicky thing from the drug store.  Snacks?  Starburst and something else (give me a break, it's been like two months, stupid camera).  Drinks?  Diet coke and water.  Gimmick?  Haha, well, let me digress for a second........

About two weeks before our trip, a rumor started.  K's 19 year old cousin in Pittsburgh heard we were going to stop for a nice dinner in the city and then come over and see everyone.  Well, she heard fancy dinner and boom, started telling everyone, and I mean everyone, that we were getting engaged.  K's mom and grandma were asked if they were coming out too, you know, to celebrate the big event.  SO, I found out about the rumor, and since it was actually true, K had to come up with an excuse, and fast.  And then he hit a deer with his car. Excuse? Check.  How can anyone afford a ring when they have deer fur all over their....ahhh.   I bought the excuse, even wrapped it up and took the price tag off. 

Gimmick?  To further perpetuate the excuse, K got a Ring Pop from the drug store, you know so I could put that on instead after dinner.  Ultimately, to make fun of aforementioned 19 year old cousin.  

Excellent diversion.  I rocked it by the way.  

The car ride was very nice.  I took pictures of the sky, played with our food, and did not think about what could be happening tonight at all. 

We stopped at a rest stop on the Turnpike to change.  I went inside to put a skirt on, he stayed by the car to check the ring in his suit pocket.  Tricky boy. 

After we arrived in Pittsburgh, we decided to catch the view of the city before the sun set.

And while I took pictures of the city (oblivious to anything), K walked down and found a bench.  Our own little bench, far away from the other amateur photographers. 

We sat down on that perfect bench, and he asked me the question, and I answered it. 

The ring?  He helped design it. 


After, we had a beautiful dinner at the Grand Concourse, on the river (er, one of the rivers, there are a lot in Pittsburgh). 

Here, we recreated our first meal together, crab cakes, and mahi-mahi.  The piano player played our song (we think, it was very noisy for a fancy place).  We soaked the moment in and I have never been happier. 

Never been happier because on that day, I became a fiancee to the most wonderful man I know.  Yeah, I know that's mushy, but in all honesty, that's what he is to me.  This man, who I've known since I was a teenager, who I let go, and then came back to, who I moved closer to, he is all that is wonderful.  This man, who has been saving and planning, and keeping a secret for months.  K doesn't know how much he means to me because I lack the words.  It doesn't matter the ring, or the location, or the proposal, it just mattered because it was with him and now, it will always be with him. 

This, this is happiness.