
Monday, March 29, 2010

Hooray For...

(yes, I know this is my 3rd post of the day, but the others were from last night)

1) A rainy day.  For the fragrance of rainy days, and how they make you warm inside and in a snuggly mood. For the way the room smells when you leave a window open and that crisp rainy air travels in.  For the way it makes your sheets nice and cool, and your bed more inviting.

2) Target.  When I'm bored, or even need to clear my head, I go to Target.  I usually buy something, nothing crazy, but that's not the point. I like browsing the aisles (there are so many), daydreaming, looking at linens and decorations that I wouldn't buy, and just wasting time. 

3) Little girl presents.  K's little cousin is going to be 3 next month.  We're like her honorary Aunt and Uncle.  Three is such a fabulous age, and presents options are endless.  I think the best presents involve the most creativity.  So, we've decided to expand her closet and add to her dress up clothes.  Oh, dress up clothes.  How beautiful, how colorful and prissy.  Sequins, faux lace, beads....I love it.  Love it.  I really couldn't decide.  What I love about Target is, they feature Fancy Nancy dress up clothes.  They are the most unique looking dress up clothes I've ever seen.  It's like Betsy Johnson for little girls.  And look at this phone!   Don't you want one for real? 

4) Peeps.  I'm not a big candy person.  Not even really that crazy about chocolate.  There is something about yellow peeps though.  Not Halloween or Valentine peeps, that's just blasphemy.  Yellow peeps are perfect.  And you know what's awesome?  My grandma, all 3000 miles away, sends me an Easter basket every year, peeps included.  Complete with 10 bucks hidden in a plastic egg.  Life really is good. 

5) Wedding parties.  We worked together and sent out thank you's to our wedding party. Seattle's Best Coffee (Pike Place 40th Anniversary bag) and a Seattle guide for everyone who isn't from the area. They don't know it's coming, and we're excited just to think about their reactions.  87.5% of our party are not from the Pacific NW.  75% have never even been there.   I'm excited to get married, but really excited to show everyone out here where I'm from and what Seattle is about (I hope it doesn't rain).   You should have seen us at the post office, 7+ boxes between us. 

6) Having time for pop-culture.  I watched Oprah and Dancing with the Stars today.  The only time I catch those two shows on the same day (or at all) is during the 1600 and 2000 med passes at work.  I feel like a real girl!


1) Gardening 101

Yes, I finally planted those poor, neglected seeds today.  I am optimistic, and very aware how ambitious I sound.  Something will grow, I'm just not sure how well, or what percentage will.  I now have a very full folding table occupying half of my room.  We (me and Lilly) also chose the coldest day in a month to stand outside, fill those little starter cups, and plant the seeds.  She lasted 5 minutes before she whinned and begged to go in.  Which made me question the Little Buffalo experience, but oh well. 

2) Cameras

I have successfully broken 2 out of 2 of my cameras.  The first break was with my most expensive, and cherished camera.  I dropped it outside on the cement. That will do it.  Thank goodness the lense is intact and it's just the battery holder which needs TLC. 

Which left me with my other camera, good for sporting events, bars, and places where you don't carry a purse, but you have jean pockets.  Not used for detailed pictures.  Not ideal for nature shots.  It simply stopped working today, and the lense won't close. 

YES, this is the most picturesque time of the year.  Cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils, bees, butterflies, easter baskets, and not to mention every single picture that I want to take of this engagement period.  I am left with nothing.  

3) Pittsburgh post

I know.  I haven't even posted how he proposed or the shennanigans from our trip last weekend.  I need pictures to show you and I have no way to put them on this computer.  So, I'll set the scene:  shots of us in sunglasses driving, a heart made up of starburst that I made on the dashboard and K saying, "Hurry up and take it, I have to turn!!", pictures of planes making white lines in the sky, me excited and all, wardrobe change at a rest stop, ring pop shots, incline in Pittsburgh, city shots, contemplative shot of K (little did I know), post-crying shots (good tears), ring shot, ring shot, couple shot, couple shot, look how cool our shoes look shot, inside the Grand Concourse, Pittsburgh at night, shennanigan photos from there on out.  See? It adds to the blog. 

4) Seattle

Because I'm from Seattle, that's where we're going to get married.  And because I love Seattle so much, we're going to try to make our out-of-town guests fall in love with it too.  How do you do that, you ask?   TOM DOUGLAS CATERING!!!!!!! Whoo-hoo!! Nothing's final, but things are happening.  We are going to meet with Jessica Prince in June, when we're out next.  And that means tastings!!!! Heaven. 

Also, for our out-of-towners, we're planning a Seattle itinerary, complete with the Duck Tour, Underground Tour, Space Needle, Ivars, Seattle Center, and the Aquarium.  It will be legendary.  In like a year and a half. 

I will continue mourning for my cameras, snugglin with the pup, coercing those little seedlings, and dreaming big dreams this week. 

On Life

The lights were out. The computer was off. The fan was blowin.  But, I wasn't done.  I realized I was in blog-writing mode, where your mind narrates everything that you're thinking and feeling, as you imagine those narrations as words on the screen. 

I am happy. 

That's what I thought.  Because the lights were out, but I was still playing with my puppy, who has now nestled herself under the pile of blankets on our bed.  Because tomorrow is another test which I know I'm going to get through.  Because there's this ring on my finger, which represents beauty and pure love, and reminds me of a man who planned and loved for months.  And isn't love the greatest when you find out someone loved you with more intensity than you previously thought? 

Because life could have been so different.  Before K, I was in the wrong relationship.  The kind of relationship that tears you apart, makes you question everything, and leaves you with nothing at the end.  The kind of relationship that gets you so angry, that you throw out every single memento, only to find yourself back together a month later. That rollercoaster effect of inexperienced communicators.  I could have repeated that cycle over and over.  I was almost stuck with a boy, and I mean boy, who was neglectful, and crazy, with much crazier family members (we are not as crazy as our families, right?).  And it was so wrong. 

But, then this man came along, and healed, and pushed me to succeed, and expected greatness out of me. My life could have been so different.  I could have been without real love in my life. 

I look at this ring, and it reminds me of where I was and who I have transformed into. Trusting, loving, flying, devoting, moving, confronting, comforting, healing, growing, promising. 

My life is fulfilling.  I'll use whatever cliches I have to describe K. There are moments, especially now, when I'll look at him, stare at him, without him noticing, and think, " I love this man more than I ever thought I could love." 


Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm not going to take it, anymore

I've had it. I'm putting my life on hold for ten minutes and writing a post.  Why?  Because I need some therapy right now.  Because this week has been manic and busy and it's almost done, but I'm seriously going to kick a cat if I don't take a break.  It's been that busy. 

Right now, I'm at Borders, my little slice of Seattle in Harrisburg.  The coffee cups are red, the atmosphere is laid back, and there's a huge picture of Elliott Bay on the wall behind the Barista, which I'll just stare and stare at if you let me.  I want to steal it.   

I'm here because my room is too messy to study, and you can't really accomplish much until you clean your messy room.  So I've escaped, to work on my weekly 15 page nursing school care plan.  The most difficult care plan to date because it's the last one---not that the info is hard, but it's always the hardest at the end (that's what she said).  Because the end is in sight. Because it's so darn sunny and green outside.  Because you can start making summer plans at this point.  Because, we just got engaged on Friday. 

That's right, he liked it, so he put a ring on it. 

So you can see why my head is in the clouds, on the #9. 

But, I have one more day of this crazy-ass week, and ten more pages to type up before we can party like it's 1999. 

And I'd just like to add that I have the best friend ever, because not only did she let me get away with post-poning our weekly chat to tomorrow (because cats could be kicked tonight if I don't get more time), but she was going to even ask me to do that herself.  Life is still good.  Life is still beautiful. 

Camera is still broken. 

My session is almost up.  So I will end it by looking at that wall picture again, remind myself that I did take a 20 minute nap today (in Border's parking lot), and keep on swimming. 

Engagement post to come. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm still here

I will post soon, I promise.  Life is crazy busy right now, and I'm neglecting you little blog.  So, I will soon post (in like 3 days) and share all of the good, glorious news.  And maybe my camera will be fixed by then (tears).  

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Spring break is over and I have returned to my clinical site.  It was a short week, as these kinds of breaks always are, but I feel like it was a full week. 

Yes, I got the patio furniture out.  And grilled.  True, my grilling extended into the dusk because you can't start grilling at 5:00 before Spring Forward and expect to have adequate light. 

Yes, we took a mini-road trip.  To Lancaster.

No, I didn't paint the basement. 

I also didn't have a movie night.  Although I wanted to have one last night, but K is sick and the internet was down (no Netflix). 

I did not plant my seeds.  Yes, I am worried that I won't get them planted in time for the Harvest.  But you see, all of the little planter cubes are in K's car. The car that he hit with the deer.  The car that's in the shop. 

I will try to plant them on Monday, and talk to them a lot more, to try to increase their growth spurt.  

But, I did buy a healthy amount of new nail polishes, painted my toes a bright pink, and wore my favorite flip-flops for the first time this year:

And I finally hung up some pictures down here.  I anticipate that finishing painting the walls and trim may be put off for many more weeks, so I embraced that fact and just hung up stuff anyways.

Yep, that's Seattle.

Our favorite National parks:  Teton, Mt. Rainier, Yellowstone, and Olympic. 

And just because I was having the best flowy-shiny-run-your-fingers-through-it-hair day ever, I captured it. 

Good bye Spring Break.  I know that next year I will be an adult again and have a full-time job.  Still, each spring I will set goals that have to do with gardening, with getting as much of that first warm weather as I can, with movies that have to be seen and books to be read, and maybe I'll throw out those goals and do whatever comes up instead.  I'll make an effort though, because it felt good to cross off things this time around.  

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Good morning, good morning

You know it's going to be a decent day when you start it with Jason Mraz.  It's a gloomy, blustery day outside, there's a flood warning in effect (giggle), and yet, it's sunny inside.  That's because I have a Jason Mraz FarmAid concert playing on my tv.

It takes a thought to make a word

And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

La la la la la la la life is wonderful

Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful

 It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other

And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished

It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain

I have loved his music since 2003, when he first came out on the radio.  He just keeps getting better and better.
Jason Mraz on the tv, and a puppy nestled under blankets next to me. Did I mention that I have the spring/summer sheets out now?  No more flannel sheets for the year.  Yes, spring has sprung.  Jason, puppy snoring away, silky sheets, and another day off.  Yes, I know. 

I did work last night.  It felt weird because I'm not getting very many shifts lately. Blame it on my scheduler, blame it on the economy, or take it as a sign that I need to find another job for the time being.  BUT, here are the top quotes (all said to me) from last night's shift:

1) "Mrs. B is telling me that she is in pain.  So maybe when you get back there, you should give her a pain pill." --Nurses assistant    REALLY?!? Is that what you do? I guess I skipped that day of class in NURSING SCHOOL.
2) "Is there anything that YOU need?" --a pleasantly confused little old lady.  Love it. 
3) "Are you a nurse?"  ME:  "Yes, why?"   Her: "I could tell. You have that touch."---the tinniest of tiny, little old lady.  Best. Compliment. Ever.
Like I said, there's a flood warning for our area.  And yet, I really see no rain at the moment.  This happens everytime it rains for more than an hour here.  That's because they don't have ditches like we do in Western Washington.  They lack the drainage mechanisms that we have mastered.  On the news the other day, they anticipated this storm, and said that if it were snow, we'd get up to 36 inches. 
I thought that for every inch of rain, you can get 10 inches of snow. Watch out! There's a flood warning in effect for 3.6 inches. 
If there was more, I don't care.  Rainy days are a good thing. Oh how I love falling asleep to the sound of rain.  And more rain means that winter has passed.

So on this "rainy day", I'm going to continue to snuggle with this snoring puppy (seriously, why is she so tired?).  And in a little while, I'm going to make a crunchy, gooey grilled cheese sandwich on a cast iron pan, and pair it with tomato soup.  See? rainy days are great!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Making my day

Yesterday was a delicious day off.  Here are the highlights:

1) The only actual organizing that I did was cleaning off my desk.  But, that's good enough because a clean desk opens up more possibilities than some folded laundry. 

2) Hearing The Boss on the way home from dinner last night.  IS there a more manly man??  His music makes you feel like a rock star.  Good things do come from New Jersey.

3) Dante.  Ah, we had Mexican food last night (or Harrisburg's version of it), and they had live music from 6-9.  Now, K was having a bad day, well a bad week because he hit that...deer....but as soon as we saw the poster for live music, we knew the day had just shifted.  This man was amazing!  He played a La Bamba/ Tequila remix, and I didn't even know there were words to Tequila.  And everytime I turned around, he looked at me and smiled.  Mmmm

4) I've talked about this blog before, and finally, it's getting the recognition that it deserves.  Kelle will be interviewed on CNN on Tuesday at 1600.  I can't wait to watch! 

5) And finally, talking to Katie.  She and I have been best friends since elementary school, even though we've lived in different states for 99% of that friendship.  She's a friend that I can always count on, and we pick up right where we left off when we talk.  Now that I'm living in Harrisburg, we live slightly closer (she's in NY).  We have started talking once a week, and usually average a 2 hr phone call each time.  I laugh (actually, giggle) everytime we talk.

I'm thankful for these little moments of yesterday.  That's what life is all about.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On Loyalty

I am loyal to Seattle. I defend it's raininess, I admit it does rain.  I stand up for it's poor baseball team while distracting  you with the thought of garlic fries at Safeco (and Shishka-berries....and those good stadium brats next to the secret escalator).  And, I acknowledge that while Seattle does have it's faults, I love it truly anyways. 

Which, is why I also love Pittsburgh. 

In Pittsburgh, you are proud of where you're from, but still give your home a hard time.  You bust it's balls.  You boo when you need to.  You call it out if need be.   You don't make excuses, you don't coddle it and make it a sissy city.

Burghers know that the Pirates are approaching their 18th year of losing seasons. They know it.  Yes, in the back of their mind they're thinking, "Well maybe we can get to .500....." but quickly change the subject to the Steelers (well, maybe not right now), OR the Penguins. 

They know that the city is a gem.  But, they're still open to sharing it.  Living in Central Pennsylvania for over 2 years, I can strongly state that people here are douchebags.  Straight up, loaded douchebags.  You know why?  Because they're mean!!  They don't care about you if you're not from here, and their left over PA-dutchness just translates into unfriendliness.  This is a known fact, I'm not being dramatic here.  I can be a successful nurse anywhere now, because I have tolerated and put up with Central PA nurses.  They're as harsh as they come.  PITTSBURGH on the otherhand isn't like that.  They like you. They'll toss you a beer and invite you over to their house.  They'll share their kishka with you.  It's a whole other world. 

SO, in summary, I heart Pittsburgh because their people are welcoming, they are in love with their city, but they're realistic about it's contents. 

Seattle, sometimes you just don't stack up.  NOW, I'm not comparing you to Pittsburgh, because Pitt doesn't have mountains or Tom Douglas, so they're automatically eliminated. 

But sometimes, you're kinda wussy.

For instance:

1) In June of 2007, K and I attended a legendary Mariners vs Pirates baseball game at Safeco.  Now, if you remember from above, the Pirates have had 17 back to back to back to...well you get it, losing seasons.  The last time they had a winning season, Johnny Carson was hosting the tonight show.  I digress....
My point is, we should have won.  We were close to winning. There was a point in the game where a rally was all they needed to win.  The music was thumping, our best of the best was up to bat, the Pirates were getting that familiar feeling in their stomachs again.  And do you know what happened?  PEOPLE JUST SAT THERE!!!!!! No rally. No standing, no yelling, no clapping. Nothing. 

Sometimes, Seattle, your lack of enthusiasm upsets me.  Seattle pride is sometimes nonexistent. 

2) Communication.   I love K so much because he's a sarcastic son of a bitch.  He'll dish it and take it, and give a high five for a good zinger.  Seattle, not so much.  I was sarcastic before I met the man of my dreams, but now, holy goat, I cut it up.  Which, makes me kinda sad, Seattle, because you could be so much more.  Out there, people take things kind of literally.  They're removed from that East Coast way of life, and are more laid back.  Which isn't a bad thing in a lot of ways, but when it comes to good  sarcasm, I have to look elsewhere. 

 Seattlelites: when people give you a hard time about something in Seattle, you take it personally and defend it, rather than giving it back.  Give it back!!  If someone asks you how many Super Bowl rings you have, ask them how Big Ben is doing.  Oh, sorry honey.  Really, I'm sorry!

3) Finally, dependability.  Out here (Pittsburgh and beyond), you just don't do certain things.  IF you say you're going to be somewhere, you're there.  If you say "I'll meet you at..... for....." you're there.  Friendships are like family.  I'm lucky because K has a loyal group of great friends, who will be there for you, defend you, take out someone if need be, etc.  They don't pull stunts.  They don't bullshit around.  They're present, they don't make excuses.  They're loyal BECAUSE loyalty translates through city, family, and friends.  Pittsburgh has that down pat.  Seattle, is kinda wishy-washy sometimes.  People do make excuses.  Friends are disposable.  Some people ask how you're doing just to be in the loop.  I would say that this is Seattle's biggest flaw. 

And I'm calling them out. Because, to really love a city, to be loyal to it, you have to understand it's weaknesses.  That doesn't mean you're turning your back on it.  If I had my way, I'd incorporate more people from Pittsburgh to Seattle.  Then I'd have mountains and great friends all in one little metropolis. 

I love you Seattle. I love you Pittsburgh. 

We all, like our cities, lack in certain areas, but to fully grow, we can't deny them.

Again, I'm sorry K. That was out of line.  =)  

#6: Take a mini-road trip

To somewhere more sunny. 

Unfortunately, road trips can only go so far when you plan them at one in the afternoon.  K had a eye appointment at 0845, to which they dilated the hell out of his beautiful blues.  And yes, he rocked the creepy terminator glasses that they give you at the doctors. Hotness. 

After the doctors, we had breakfast and watched the waitress yell at the line cook for a good 5 minutes.  Words like "tool bag" and "stoned" were used repeatedly-- all this over an argument about what's in French dressing. 

We rushed home after to feed the dogs (bad mommy, I know) and to grab my camera, because we were going to do something with our rare day off together. 

So around 1300, we grabbed some drinks and took off. 
Lame, I know.  But what do you want from a spontaneous road trip?  No excuse, you say?  Because there are Sheetz everywhere around here?  Oh well.

Drinks: check.  Music:  oh man, did we have music.  

LUCKILY, and strangely, my ancient cd holder--you know one of those black zipped binders where you can hold, like 200 cds-- was in the car.  No MP3s for this girl.   And do you know what was in that embarassingly old cd thingy? 

Dun dun dunnn.....

Freakin sweet right?

Music: so checked. Destination: well all we could come up with was Lancaster, PA.  A 45 min drive.  Through Amish country.  I'll take it. 

We drove, and we sang as loud as I've ever heard.  You know why? BECAUSE WE KNEW EVERY SINGLE WORD!   Ah, how I feel bad for my 14 year old brain.  We called out key changes and mimicked dance moves, and laughed, and laughed. 

At one point, K asked me, "Do you think less of me now?"

To which I replied, "No way! This is AWESOME!!"

He and I have known each other for 10 years, but we didn't know that we both listened to NSYNC until it was cemented into our not-yet-fully-developed-brains. 

Kinda makes me wish I studied Spanish like that when I was 14. 

So, Lancaster.  Amish country mixed in with Central Pennsylvania. You'll see buggies, you'll definitely see their "exhaust" laying on the road, and you'll also see clothes lines filled. 

But as you can see, it's still winter here (ah man), and so Lancaster was not as busy as I'd hoped.  No one's planting yet.  We took it for what it was and tried to make it a good road-trip anyways.  I'd pick a direction and then he would.  We drove over rolling hills and admired the farmscaping.  The grass is starting to brighten and pretty soon the fields will be busy.  This is one of the best things about living here.  Farms mean green and green means farm stands.  And even though I'll be planting my own little garden haven soon, there's nothing like farmstand produce.  Nothing.

And it was pretty sunny too.

Finally, a road trip calls for a pit stop.  Here was ours:

We stopped in Strasburgh, and had a bite to eat in their oh-so-cute store, which was filled with caramel apples, swedish fish, almond bark, and canned goods.  YES, I know it's probably a tourist trap, but what is a road trip, even a mini one, without that? 

And a buggy shot.  They don't like to be photographed, so I focused on the horse:

It was a good day.  We rolled down the windows, enjoyed some Elton John greatest hits on the ride home, and I rested my head against him as he drove.  Because, the best thing about a road trip, is sharing it with someone you love. Finding something new, discovering something together, laughing, and reminiscing:  that's what a road trip is all about. 

Thank you my incredible love, for humoring me and jumping in the car with me.  For singing loud and dancing in your seat.  For rockin those fine-ass terminator glasses.  For going back to the car at the pitstop and getting my camera.   For being you and loving me.  For ending the day with this:

Little did we know, this was a last-hoorah for a while for K's car.

Because yesterday, he hit a deer.  And that's all I'll say about the deer because I don't want to think sad thoughts. Yes, K's okay.

SO, (ah, don't think about the deer or the deer fur that was on his front bumper) anyways, today, is all about organizing and cleaning and putting things where they need to be.  BECAUSE, as good as days off with your love and his stupendous Justin Timberlake abilities are, getting things in order days are better.  They make you feel accomplished and like a super-girl.

My dog is eating everything in sight.  I need to finish this up.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mmmmm....spring break

I'm savoring this spring break like no other. 

Cancun and Vegas breaks are so out-of-style.  Give me a little sunshine, a car, and a camera, and of course, my love, and I'm set.  End the day with a sleeping lab at my feet and his caring hand on my leg, and that's all I need. 

We had another adventure today.  Pictures and a post to follow.  I just want to live in this day a little more, and dwell in the fact that I'm getting back to my normal self.  Moving 3000 miles away from your home, your family, friends, and your mountains can change a girl.  It throws your equilibrium off, makes you dizzy, and out of sorts.  Seattle is very different from Harrisburg.  Duh.  But, the Seattle me shouldn't differ from the Harrisburg me.  I'm realizing that more and more.  I can incorporate the things I love back home even in Central Pennsylvania.

I thought about this deeply when we had our little mini-road trip today (!!).  In the last few weeks, I've taken a random drive, hauled the pup into the wilderness despite 10 inches of snow, ran, and embraced nature to the degree of almost-hugging-an-actual-tree. I did these things in winter.  In Harrisburg.  I've had salmon multiple times, grilled, and assembled my rubs with love in an artistic fashion, front and center in the kitchen cupboard.  AND, I have taken so many freakin pictures, that I'll actually remember what I've done!  

Moving brought out a hidden, brewing depression.  It wasn't his fault, it wasn't my fault, it was just there and it was amplified by moving.  Suddenly, I wasn't happy and I didn't have an identity, except for telling people, "I'm from Seattle," when I met them.  Therapy and medicine helped, but this is helping more.  Capturing and recording, sharing and contemplating, this blog has really helped me brush off that funk, and come into my own.   It's a simple blog, and it's developing, but it  helps me.  Maybe it will help someone else someday.  Maybe people will at least look at the pictures and think "ooh, pretty,"  or "my goodness, that is the cutest dog I've ever seen."  It's something and it's mine, and that's just good enough. 

So tomorrow, I will post again, and share more pictures. I will write about how great it felt so roll the window down in the car, and sing,  and laugh, and look over at a boy and realize how lucky I am to live here, how lucky I am to have found love.  I'll share those feelings, hit publish, and smile, because I know that my life is being lived.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

And just because it makes me happy

Pictures of someone who loves the sunshine more than me:

Gotta love all the carpet fibers on her.  It's from rollin around in the sun. 

Enjoying the break

I have accomplished so much in my very short spring break.  Already, I've knocked two things off my springy list. 

Yesterday, after I posted, I took the initiative and dragged down the patio furniture (which were residing in the garage from the apartment move).   I change when I'm outside.  It's like the weather reflects my mood (called a pathetic fallacy by the way).  My garden is evolving.  In a month, plants will be in the ground and dirt will be moved, but right now I just have a patio for myself.  And my patio means terra cotta ready to be put to work, luscious red pots, seashells from home, and a new glass oil lamp that will accompany me on many starry nights. 

Even this guy couldn't touch the day.

Since my garden lacks color at the moment, I tried to compensate:

So, that's one down.

TODAY, I grilled!  The lemony chicken!  Chicken that was marinated in lemon and orange juice, drizzled with olive oil.  Grilled asparagus and potatoes.  And mussels.  The perfect appetizer.  Muscles with onions and garlic, and Chateau St. Michelle  Sauvignon Blanc. Cast iron skillet on a hot grill. Muscles on a hot iron skillet, with grilled, crusty bread to soak up those beautiful juices. 

You know what else tops off the day?  Achy muscles from yesterday's run (I go girl), and a spontaneous afternoon nap with my love and our dog.  In the sunshine. 

Oh, and I totally made a new wreath today (yeah, I do that).  A springy wreath. 

Now, I'm jammied up, snuggling in bed, and ready for the Oscars. 

Thank you for reading this little blog, and taking the time to look at these pictures and words.  These are simple enjoyments, but they make life what it is.  And writing about it, capturing the moments and making them something more, that's what gets me by.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Ok, so it's not to that point yet, the trees are still bare and piles of leftover snow remain, but spring is coming!  It's on it's way!  We may have another snow storm in a couple of weeks, but today, today I will soak up the 50 degree weather and live in denial.

Classes are off for spring break starting today.  So I will be able to recharge and remember what it felt like before I crazily signed up for a second round of school.  I got home early today, let the dogs out, and closed the screen door behind me.  THE SCREEN DOOR!  That's right, it's that warm out, or at least it's not that cold out.  So here we sit, sunlight beating down on us, as the dogs roll on the ground and I massage the sun into my hair and skin. 

Yes, it rains in Seattle, and yes it has a lot of grey and gloomy days.  But, I believe that we need those kind of days in order to enjoy the sunshine more.  On the sunny days in Seattle, and boy are they sunny, the sky opens up and you fixate on the sky.  You think to yourself, "That is the biggest, bluest sky I have ever seen, " and "why is the sky so much smaller in other places?"  Mountains pop out and sigh, it's my own heaven. 

Still, I'll take the sunshine wherever I can get it, and right now, that happens to be in the basement of my new digs, at my boyfriend's house.  Which, is going pretty well by the way.  Anyways, spring break.  Back to spring break.  This is a pretty great start.  Two dogs, not trying to kill each other, Jason Mraz and Robin Thicke music, sunshine and fresh air ala screen door.  Life is good. 

I'm going to take advantage of this spring break.  I'm going to use it all up and not take it for granted.  And yes, I'm going to create a list, right now, that I may look at in a week and think, "Why didn't you do any of these things?"  I'll try anyways.

1) Finish painting the basement. What? That's not relaxing.  I know, but finished paint= opportunity to hang up my pictures.   And hopefully I will no longer sit in bed and look up at how freakin stupid the room looks with it's current paint job. 
2) Start my seedlings. I am going to plant veggies, herbs, and flowers from scratch. Haha.  But, I can't do that until the basement is all painted. 
3) Hike. Somewhere, anywhere. Definitely with Lilly, possibly the boyfriend.
4) Pull out the backyard furniture and grill. And then make something with the grill.  Like a lemony chicken. 
5) Have an epic movie night. Theme to follow
6) Take a mini roadtrip. To somewhere even more sunny!!

On a side note: 

I am a good girlfriend.  I cook him exquisite meals.  I watch hours upon hours of Steeler football and Penguins hockey.  I make a dive to the bar when we first enter a crowded bar, and emerge with 3 beers for the two of us and his friend (true story).  I ignore holey underwear. 

HOWEVER, none of that really matters compared to what happened today.  See, all of those things, which I have mastered in the last 4 years, are now second rate because I was mentioned on Pittgirl's website. 

Pittgirl is a Pittsburgh lover/commentor who has the damn funniest blog I've ever seen.  K followed her when she was anonymous and now she writes for Pittsburgh magazine.  Around the middle of Feb, I shared with her Kelle Hampton's blog about precious baby Nella's birth story.   A couple days ago I got a response from Ginny, and today, I get text from K saying that he was proud of me because I showed up on her blog.  Well, my name did as well as the blog I sent her.   

My coolness factor just increased by 10% with my boyfriend. 

I'll take it. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Desperately Seeking Sunshine

I caved. 

I couldn't take it any longer.

Yesterday, I did something really bad.

I bought out-of-season tomatoes.  Blah. 

I craved bruschetta, Italy's most wonderful import.  Salty, fruity, garlicky tomatoes, with beautiful olive oil and basil.  BASIL.  My favorite smell in the whole entire world. 

I tried. I failed. 

They were tasteless, no depth, no flavor.  A disappointment. 

Tomatoes are meant to be savored in the summertime.  Hot-house winter tomatoes are a mortal sin.  What kind of Italian am I?

To make up for this, I will plant heirloom tomatoes next week, and drink of their bright, fruity, juicy selves.  I will continue to wait for summer produce.  I will dream of bruschetta and caprese salad, and heirloom reds and yellows with salt and pepper. 

Screw spring.  I want summer!